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Is C-PTSD Worse than PTSD?

Before I start I want to put out there that this is based purely on my knowledge and opinions, nothing besides my experience is factual.

Whenever one hears anything in regards to PTSD they automatically associate it with veterans. I completely agree that most Americans with PTSD are most likely to have served in the military and witnessed there friends die right in front of them, that is terribly traumatizing. But think of being exposed to trauma for multiple years during your or all of your childhood, without you voluntarily signing up for it.

This is C-PTSD. I was abused throughout my childhood and even though I have come to accept it and all of its' effects. I still live every day with its effects, be it major or minor.

The thing about C-PTSD is that working through the trauma isn't enough to heal you, you will still suffer the consequences of your abusers each day.

I have a wonderful relationship with my father, countless people have told me that they envy our relationship. Yet each time he walks by I shudder. I don't have any resentments towards him, yet I am anxious when he is near, I am scared when he stands behind me. I don't know if I will ever out grow it.

This frustrates me, since there are certain things that I can understand and work to overcome. For instance insomnia, besides difficulty falling asleep I usually have difficulty sleeping through the night. I understand the reason of this, my brain wonders I am afraid of the unknown, this is normal to me. Yet me being afraid of someone I work with, someone I love, someone who I know will do anything for me. This makes no sense to me, I cannot understand it.

This is why, in my humble opinion C-PTSD is worse than PTSD, people with C-PTSD at times have to communicate with the individuals who have caused their trauma on the daily and suffer the effects, yet individuals with PTSD only have to focus on getting over trauma that has harmed them in the past.

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