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Blog: Blog2

Are ACE Questionnares Trustworthy?

Recently I took a ACE survey, ACE stands for Adverse Childhood Experience, which is really a nice way of saying, tally up all the trauma and violence you have gone through before reaching adulthood and then you will be rated out of ten.

I took the quiz, scored an eight. (you can take it here if you'd like )

Now, sure my childhood was particularly rough, and I struggled more than my peers to be where I am today, yest supposedly my life expectancy decreased twenty years because of my childhood trauma. Twenty Years.

First off, I find it quite impossible to base life expectancy off what struggles an individual went through before their eighteenth birthday. To come to think of it, honestly I find myself frustrated because of that so called fact, mainly because I never asked to be put through the trauma and stress that caused me to be the little girl that grew up too fast, and now this survey with ten question will tell me that I more prone to health issues and my life expectancy is shortened by twenty years.

This is turning out to be quite a rant, but I think that blogging is a way to help both the reader and writer.

If you read up until here, please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or comments. Thank you.

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